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Innovative technology

Ideology of Quiskin company combines understanding woman and her needs and living in harmony with natural resources, therefore, our goal is to create an extraordinary product which will not only enhance natural beauty of your skin but also enable every woman to improve her life, ensure convenience and comfort, save time and consequently help to maintain work-life balance. The origin of the brand Quiskin it is the result of compilation of the number of events that have taken place over several years, further supported by numerous tests, questions and developments, hard work and determination, experience and luck. Finally, all the tests and examinations were successful and managed to achieve the intended effects – the perfect innovative products Quiskin.

“We believe that although our products may not change the world,
but definitely will improve the beauty of a woman’s skin…”

Quiskin Makeup Remover/ Face Cleaner

Development of Quiskin – Quick & Professional Makeup Remover was inspired by the beauty of natural resources, respect for human health and the environment. Quiskin is an innovative product that eliminates the traditional method of cleansing the skin by using cosmetics. Quiskin
is designed for people with busy lifestyle and who want to spend as little as possible time and effort to remove makeup yet maintain clean and healthy skin. Today it is possible thanks to Quiskin – Quick & Professional Makeup Remover or Face Cleaner. Without unnecessary preparation, by using Quiskin and water only we are able to remove make-up professionally within only a few minutes leaving our skin clean, vital and beautiful. Important is, that you can use Quiskin – Quick & Professional Makeup Remover and Quiskin – Quick & Professional Face Cleaner,  for four months.

Quiskin Ozone Cube

Designed for washing and disinfection of the body/skin. Oxygenates the skin and
enhances the effects of cosmetics? Quiskin Ozone Cube regenerates hydro-lipid layer of your skin through oxygenation and nutrition of skin cells. The product also maintains the effects of cosmetic treatments. The antiseptic
effect eliminates harmful microorganisms accumulating on the surface of the skin and soothes irritation. Suitable for atopic skin.

The product is highly recommended for cleaning QUISKIN Quick & Professional Make Up Remover and QUISKIN Quick & Professional Face Cleaner.

...for safety of your skin...